Expert Witness Coaching

SEAK trained expert witness. Retained in over 35 cases in more than 20 states. Testified in numerous depositions. Successful expert witness business since 2018. Experienced mentoring expert witnesses. Consult Dr. Lundell for help with:

  • Report Writing
  • Preparing for Deposition
  • Creating or changing Fee Schedules
  • Organizing and Tracking Cases
  • Communicating with Counsel


– Lawyer Monthly Interviews Award-Winning Anesthesiologist & Expert Witness Dr. John Lundell


Dear Dr. Lundell:

I have been doing this for close to a half-century and my practice has been focused in one way or another around health care for at least 90% of that time. I have taken or defended (literally) hundreds of physician depositions. You absolutely did one of the finest jobs I have ever seen. Trust me, [they] will be reporting to [their] clients that you were reasonable, thoughtful, informed, and prepared. Whether it is your training or (more likely) your makeup and nature, you come across as a person to be believed and trusted and that is all that could be asked of you. You conceded the things that needed to be conceded, you stuck to your guns on what you believe, you exhibited fairness and you spoke in words and phrases that can be understood. In short, I feel very fortunate that we found our way to you and I wanted to thank you, for us and for [our clients], while that deposition is still fresh in my mind.


Thomas E. Johnson
Attorney at Law